It’s important to remember that your time in Australia will be highly dependent on your visa conditions, which means you, must comply with all Australian government requirements if you hope to remain in the country. Recently, the health examination waiver program has undergone some changes, and it’s critical that all temporary visa holders are aware of these changes before applying for any permit in Australia. A few changes apply only to certain types of visas and don’t affect everyone. You can consult a registered migration agent for Australia to help you out and get your visa.
What are the Changes made?
Australia is a popular destination for many temporary migrants, with various visa types available. The Department of Immigration and Border Protection has recently introduced new changes to the health examination requirements when applying for a visa. Australia is changing its medical examination requirements for temporary visa applicants. Previously, you would have had to undertake medical examinations and chest x-rays as part of the application process. However, new changes mean that this will no longer be necessary. This will streamline the application process and reduce costs for applicants.
- A chest x2-ray will no longer be required for the general health examination.
However, some health checks, such as a chest x-ray for tuberculosis, may still be required.
- There are still some circumstances where relevant medical examinations and/or chest x-rays will be required.
- If you need to provide a chest x-ray or other related medical report, you can request this at your own expense before making an application.
- You may also need blood tests before applying if you have traveled from certain countries or regions within the last 12 months (for example, if you have traveled from malaria areas).
Which category of people still has to undergo medical exams?
- Applicants intending to work as doctors, dentists, nurses, or paramedics must still undergo medical exams. You will also need proof that you are up-to-date with your immunizations before applying for your visa. The Australian Government has updated the requirements of what is needed to get these visas
- The changes made by the Australian Government mean that you will still have to undergo medical exams if you are entering a hospital, aged care facility, or disability care facility. If you need help organizing your health examination, please take help from the relevant legislation.
- If you are pregnant and intend to have the baby in Australia, you must undergo medical exams. These exams are necessary to assess risks associated with pregnancy and birth, such as anemia and high blood pressure. If you have a condition that is unstable or requires specialized care, your application may be refused.
What do you need to do?
Unless you are granted a health examination waiver, you will need to undergo a medical examination by an Australian doctor approved by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection to apply for a temporary visa.
The doctor will assess your general health and may recommend further tests if they deem it necessary. You must be tested for tuberculosis; provide proof of vaccinations against influenza, measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), polio, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP), and show that you have had either within the last 10 years.
The changes to the Health Examination Waiver requirements for temporary visa applicants in Australia make it easier for travelers with health conditions that do not pose a significant risk to Australian public health and safety to enter the country. Under the new rules, if you are from an affected region or a returning resident of an affected region, your doctor will need to provide documentation of your medical condition. You can consult a registered migration agent for Australia to understand the other requirement.
There is no longer any requirement for anyone from non-affected regions or returning residents of non-affected regions to provide medical documents when traveling outside their home country or to return to their home country after traveling abroad.
What is Health Examination Waiver?
The Health Examination Waiver is a requirement for non-citizens applying for a visa to travel to, enter and/or remain in Australia. It allows applicants who have undergone health examinations in their home country to submit the results of these tests as part of their application instead of undergoing another medical examination in Australia.
What are the health requirements for Temporary Visa applicants in Australia?
Australia’s Department of Home Affairs has announced that temporary visa applicants will no longer require a mandatory health examination. However, the applicant still needs to meet certain health requirements before they are granted their visa. The Department also states that if an individual poses a risk to public health and safety, they can require an examination as long as it is in line with the relevant legislation. The waiver only applies to temporary visas, so any visitors who are granted a permanent or long-term stay need to adhere to the previous requirements and guidelines.
What are the other requirements for a Temporary Visa Australia?
To be eligible for the health examination waiver, temporary visa applicants must be under 18 years of age – Hold a valid travel visa for at least three months after their arrival date in Australia. Not have previously entered Australia on a temporary visa. Pass an immigration health requirement. Not having resided in a country or territory where there is documented evidence of ongoing transmission of listed infectious diseases during their stay in that country or territory.